Male, straight on socket, angled
Tuotteen tunnus:1062190300VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 3 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1062190200VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 2 m, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1062190500VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 5 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1062191000VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 10 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1062190150VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 1.5 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1062190100VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 1 m, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PVC, Halogen: Yes
Tuotteen tunnus:1061990030VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 0.3 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PUR, Halogen: No
Tuotteen tunnus:1061991000VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 10 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PUR, Halogen: No
Tuotteen tunnus:1061990150VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 1.5 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PUR, Halogen: No
Tuotteen tunnus:1061990300VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 3 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PUR, Halogen: No
Tuotteen tunnus:1061990500VPE:1 PC
Bus line, Connecting line, M12 / M12, Number of poles: 5, 5 m, pin, straight - socket, 90°, Shielded: Yes, LED: No, Sheath material: PUR, Halogen: No