Earthing stud
Earthing bolts to exchange as a complete component in two versions – brass and stainless steel.
Product ID:1277250000VPE:1 PC
Klippon POK (polyester empty enclosure), Earthing stud, Miscellaneous, Height: 12.3 mm, Width: 12.3 mm, Depth: 42 mm, Material: Brass
Product ID:1283430000VPE:1 PC
Klippon POK (polyester empty enclosure), Earthing stud, Miscellaneous, Height: 12.3 mm, Width: 12.3 mm, Depth: 42 mm, Material: Stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
Product ID:1277220000VPE:1 PC
Klippon POK (polyester empty enclosure), Earthing stud, Miscellaneous, Height: 21 mm, Width: 21 mm, Depth: 48.7 mm, Material: Brass
Product ID:1283440000VPE:1 PC
Klippon POK (polyester empty enclosure), Earthing stud, Miscellaneous, Height: 21 mm, Width: 21 mm, Depth: 48.7 mm, Material: Stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
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