ToolsPliersVDE-insulated pliersVDE-insulated diagonal-cutting pliers
ToolsScrewdriversCabinet key and Cabel gland toolsCabinet keys
ToolsMiscellaneous toolsHacksaw
ToolsCuttingCutting tools
Cutting tools, Cutting tool for one-hand operation
ToolsStripping the insulationSheathing strippers and accessoriesSheathing strippers for PVC insulated round cableTools
Tools, Sheathing strippers
ToolsCrimping tools... for wire end ferrulesCrimping tools
Crimping tool for wire-end ferrules, 0.25mm², 10mm², Hexagonal crimp
ToolsScrewdriversVDE insulated screwdrivers and setsVDE insulated screwdriver sets
ToolsPliersVDE-insulated pliersVDE-insulated combination pliers
ToolsAssortmentTool caseEmpty
ToolsTestingNon-contact testersNon-contact voltage tester
Testing tools, Cable detector
ToolsStripping the insulationCable sheathing stripper for special cablesTools
ToolsPliersVDE-insulated pliersVDE insulated telephone pliers
ToolsCuttingMiscellaneousElectrician's scissors and cuttersCutter
ToolsPliersPressing tool
ToolsTesting2-pole voltage testerswith LED Display
Testing tools, 2-pole voltage tester
ToolsStripping the insulationStripping tools and accessoriesStripping tools with automatic self-adjustmentTools
Tools, Stripping and cutting tool
ToolsMiscellaneous toolsMeasuring instruments
ToolsScrewdriversSocket wrenchSocket wrench sets
ToolsTestingContinuity testers
Testing tools, Testing device
ToolsMiscellaneous toolsHammer